Auflistung P267 - Software Engineering 2017 nach Titel
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- KonferenzbeitragAgiles Testen: Auch Anwender können Unit Tests(Software Engineering 2017, 2017) Oesing, Ursula; Georgiev, Alexander; Langenbrink, Jahn; Jonker, StefanIn der Softwareentwicklung werden insbesondere in agilen Projekten diverse Unit Tests im Qualitätssicherungsprozess intensiv eingesetzt. Ebenso ist die Notwendigkeit erkannt worden, Kunden, Anwender oder Product Owner, in diesem Beitrag als Wissensträger bezeichnet, so früh wie möglich in den Prozess des Softwaretestens, am besten bei der Durchführung von Unit Tests, einzubinden, um Anforderungen wie kurze Projektentwicklungszyklen und Flexibilität gegenüber Kundenwünschen erfüllen zu können. In der Praxis steigen aber Kunden und Anwender nach wie vor häufig wegen fehlender Programmierkenntnisse frühestens bei der Durchführung von Akzeptanztests in den Prozess des Softwaretestens ein, zu spät, um auf die entdeckten Fehler ohne größeren Zeitverlust reagieren zu können. Product Owner haben zusätzlich das Interesse, dass die Transparenz in der Qualitätssicherung erhöht wird. Um die Situation entscheidend zu verbessern, wird in diesem Beitrag ein Prozess für die Durchführung von Unit Tests vorgestellt, welcher beschreibt, wie Entwickler, Kunden und Anwender gemeinsam Unit Tests erstellen können und jeweils ihre Expertise, Programmierkenntnisse auf der einen Seite und fachliches Know How auf der anderen Seite, einfließen lassen können. Für einen Product Owner werden Grundlagen für einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Unit Tests bereitgestellt. Zur Unterstützung dieses Prozesses wurde die Java- Anwendung KBUnit (Knowledge Based Unit Testing Application) entwickelt, welche ebenfalls in diesem Beitrag vorgestellt wird. Die Integration von KBUnit in die ta ̈glichen Arbeitsabläufe in der Praxis wird berücksichtigt.
- KonferenzbeitragAppMining(Software Engineering 2017, 2017) Avdiienko, Vitalii; Kuznetsov, Konstantin; Gorla, Alessandra; Zeller, Andreas; Arzt, Steven; Rasthofer, Siegfried; Bodden, EricA fundamental question of security analysis is: When is a behavior normal, and when is it not? We present techniques that extract behavior patterns from thousands of apps—patters that represent normal behavior, such as “A travel app normally does not access stored text messages”. Combining data flow analysis with app descriptions and GUI data from both apps and their stores allows for massive machine learning, which then also allows to detect yet unknown malware by classifying it as abnormal.
- KonferenzbeitragAre “Non-functional” Requirements really Non-functional?(Software Engineering 2017, 2017) Eckhardt, Jonas; Vogelsang, Andreas; Fernández, Daniel MéndezNon-functional requirements (NFRs) are commonly distinguished from functional requirements (FRs) by differentiating how the system shall do something in contrast to what the system shall do. This distinction is not only prevalent in research, but also influences how requirements are handled in practice. NFRs are usually documented separately from FRs, without quantitative mea- sures, and with relatively vague descriptions. As a result, they remain difficult to analyze and test. Several authors argue, however, that many so-called NFRs actually describe behavioral properties and may be treated the same way as FRs. In this paper, we empirically investigate this point of view and aim to increase our understanding on the nature of NFRs addressing system properties. Our re- sults suggest that most “non-functional” requirements are not non-functional as they describe behavior of a system. Consequently, we argue that many so-called NFRs can be handled similarly to FRs.
- KonferenzbeitragCase Studies for Bidirectional Transformations in QVT Relations(Software Engineering 2017, 2017) Westfechtel, BernhardQVT Relations (QVT-R), a standard issued by the Object Management Group (OMG), is a language for the declarative specification of model transformations. In particular, QVT-R supports the specification of bidirectional transformations: Rather than writing two unidirectional transfor- mations separately, a transformation developer may provide a single relational specification which may be executed in both directions (from source to target and vice versa). In this contribution, which is based on [We16], we summarize the main results from a series of case studies which shed a light on both potentials and limitations of QVT-R as a bidirectional transformation language.
- KonferenzbeitragChange Impact Analysis by Architecture-based Assessment and Planning(Software Engineering 2017, 2017) Rostami, Kiana; Stammel, Johannes; Heinrich, Robert; Reussner, RalfSoftware architecture presents the main artifact of software systems reflecting design decisions and thus influence their quality attributes. Furthermore, during software evolution each architecture decision also influences technical artifacts (e.g., test cases) and the corresponding orga- nizational responsibilities (e.g., tester). Thus, it is important to predict the impact of a change request (e.g., changing an interface) on the software architecture and other software artifacts for decision- making. Hence, a software architect can estimate the effort of the implementation of a change request due to corresponding implementation tasks. However, existing approaches are limited to artifacts of the software development process or do not use formal architecture descriptions. We present the Karlsruhe Architectural Maintainability Prediction (KAMP), that enables software architects to ana- lyze the propagation of change requests in software architecture models. Our approach is not limited to the technical operations but as well considers the organizational tasks. KAMP supports softwa- re architects by automatically generated task lists to implement changes. In an empirical study, we showed, that KAMP improves the scalability, precision, and completeness of change propagation analysis.
- KonferenzbeitragCharacterizing Implicit Communal Components as Technical Debt in Automotive Software Systems(Software Engineering 2017, 2017) Vogelsang, Andreas; Femmer, Henning; Junker, Maximilian
- KonferenzbeitragCollaborative Sketching and Notation Creation with FlexiSketch Team(Software Engineering 2017, 2017) Wüest, Dustin; Seyff, Norbert; Glinz, MartinWe used FlexiSketch Team, our flexible modeling tool, in an explorative study to better understand how novice and experienced engineers sketch and define ad-hoc notations collaboratively in early requirements elicitation and design sessions.
- KonferenzbeitragComparing Pre Commit Reviews and Post Commit Reviews Using Process Simulation(Software Engineering 2017, 2017) Baum, Tobias; Kortum, Fabian; Schneider, Kurt; Brack, Arthur; Schauder, JensPrevious studies found that two variations of change-based code review are used in in- dustry: Pre commit review and post commit review. Which one is better in a given situation is not obvious. So we asked: Are there practically relevant performance differences between pre and post commit reviews? How are these differences influenced by contextual factors? To assess these ques- tions, we designed and validated a parametric discrete event simulation model of certain agile devel- opment processes. Our analysis indicates that the best choice does depend on the context, but also that there are many situations with no practically relevant difference between both choices. We iden- tified the main influencing factors and underlying effects and condensed our findings into heuristic rules.
- KonferenzbeitragCompositional Analyses of Highly-Configurable Systems with Feature-Model Interfaces(Software Engineering 2017, 2017) Schröter, Reimar; Krieter, Sebastian; Thüm, Thomas; Benduhn, Fabian; Saake, GunterToday’s software systems are often customizable by means of load-time or compile-time configuration options. These options are typically not independent and their dependencies can be specified by means of feature models. As many industrial systems contain thousands of options, the maintenance and utilization of feature models is a challenge for all stakeholders. In the last two decades, numerous approaches have been presented to support stakeholders in analyzing feature models. Such analyses are commonly reduced to satisfiability problems, which suffer from the growing number of options. While first attempts have been made to decompose feature models into smaller parts, they still require to compose all parts for analyses. We proposed the concept of a feature-model interface that only consists of a subset of features and hides all other features and dependencies. Based on a formalization of feature-model interfaces, we proved compositionality properties. We evaluated feature-model interfaces using a three-month history of an industrial fea- ture model with 18,616 features. Our results indicate performance benefits especially under evolution as often only parts of the feature model need to be analyzed again.
- KonferenzbeitragConcept-Based Engineering of Situation-Specific Migration Methods(Software Engineering 2017, 2017) Grieger, Marvin; Fazal-Baqaie, Masud; Engels, Gregor; Klenke, MarkusSoftware migration methods enable to reuse legacy systems by transferring them into new environments. Thereby, the method used needs to fit to the project’s situation by considering conceptual differences between the source and target environment and automating parts of the migra- tion whenever suitable. Using an inappropriate migration method may lead to a decreased software quality or increased effort. Various method engineering approaches have been proposed to support the development of situation-specific migration methods. However, most do not provide a sufficient degree of flexibility when developing a method or fall short in guiding the endeavor. To address this problem, we introduce a situational method engineering framework to guide the development of model-driven migration methods by assembling predefined buildings blocks. The development is centered around the identification of concepts within a legacy system and the selection of suitable migration strategies. We evaluate the framework by an industrial project in which we migrated a legacy system from the domain of real estates to a new environment.