Auflistung Wirtschaftsinformatik 45(1) - Februar 2003 nach Titel
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- ZeitschriftenartikelDie Extensible Business Reporting Language Standard, Taxonomien und Entwicklungsperspektiven(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 45, No. 1, 2003) Kranich, Pascal; Schmitz, Hans
- ZeitschriftenartikelDie österreichische Softwarebranche: Marktstruktur und Umfeldanalyse(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 45, No. 1, 2003) Bernroider, Edward W. N.This paper describes the results from an empirical study of the Austrian software industry, comprising the following areas: market structure and segments, external and internal environmental analysis. With the aid of a questionnaire a random sample of key executives in 174 Austrian software enterprises were interviewed. Data was analysed using descriptive, bi- and multi-variate statistical techniques. The results shown in particular include supplier structures and the relative relevance attached to certain product segments. The external environmental analysis comprises the identification of exogenous growth barriers, the internal analysis shows endogenous deficiencies and strengths. Therefore internal success factors, business process and product characteristics such as the rate of certified companies with respect to industry process quality standards (ISO, CMM) and key figures were analysed. Differences between micro, small, medium and large enterprises were also detailed in regard to all investigated research areas.
- ZeitschriftenartikelIntegration von Informationssystemen(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 45, No. 1, 2003) Holten, RolandStandards and techniques relevant to information systems integration are arranged using the development phases conceptual specification, design specification and implementation. Core concepts like XML, SOAP, Schema Matching, EAI and the work of councils to develop reference models for business integration are discussed. Methodical aspects of information systems integration are systematically organized by an integration framework.
- ZeitschriftenartikelInterview mit Dieter Kempf(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 45, No. 1, 2003) Mertens, Peter
- ZeitschriftenartikelProduktlebenszyklusmanagement(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 45, No. 1, 2003) Seiler, Claus-Michael; Grauer, Manfred; Schäfer, Walter
- ZeitschriftenartikelStatische Analyse von Java-Anwendungen — Eignen sich Lines-of-Code-Metrik und Halstead-Länge?(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 45, No. 1, 2003) Wolle, BjörnMany of the recently developed software systems are implemented in Java. For these systems, activities presently are mainly related to software development tasks rather than to dedicated software maintenance tasks. For these Java systems, therefore, experimental confirmation of established metrics for measuring code quantities that are related to software maintenance is not available. This also includes very basic size measures such as the LOC metric and the Halstead length. In this article, the application of these metrics for Java systems as well as some of the associated difficulties are outlined. The presented results are based on experimental data and include empirical correlations between the basic size metrics as well as newly derived scaling laws which are suitable for maintenance related software measurement.
- ZeitschriftenartikelVertrauen in digitale Transaktionen(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 45, No. 1, 2003) Petrovic, Otto; Fallenböck, Markus; Kittl, Christian; Wolkinger, ThomasDigital transactions are full of uncertainties and risks. The willingness to accept these uncertainties depends on whether we trust the other party, on the systems that support the transactions and the relevant controls. This article provides a framework for analyzing the ways in which trust works in the digital environment. It also categorizes existing approaches in the field of technological and legal systems of control and within trust enhancing services. Finally, it summarizes current issues that should be addressed by future research.
- ZeitschriftenartikelWissenschaftslandkarte Informationsmanagement(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 45, No. 1, 2003) Schlögl, ChristianIn this paper, the main dimensions of information management are analysed by means of author cocitation. The article is structured as follows: After a short introduction, the method used in the study will be described. This will be followed by the structure of the study. According to the results of the analysis, a distinction can be made between technology-oriented and information-oriented information management approaches. Technology-oriented approaches deal primarily with the efficient and effective use of computer-based information systems. They are in the domains of Management Information Systems (MIS) and business informatics. Information-oriented approaches focus mainly on information, with special attention given to its transfer and use. The design of computer-based information systems is practically ignored by these approaches, which are in the field of information science.