P303 - WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook
Auflistung P303 - WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook nach Erscheinungsdatum
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- KonferenzbeitragCollaborating in a Research and Development Project: Knowledge Protection Practices applied in a Co-opetitive Setting(WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook, 2020) Kaiser, Rene; Thalmann, Stefan; Pammer-Schindler, Viktoria; Fessl, AngelaOrganisations participate in collaborative projects that include competitors for a number of strategic reasons, even whilst knowing that this requires them to consider both knowledge sharing and knowledge protection throughout collaboration. In this paper, we investigated which knowledge protection practices representatives of organizations employ in a collaborative research and innovation project that can be characterized as a co-opetitive setting. We conducted a series of 30 interviews and report the following seven practices in structured form: restrictive partner selection in operative project tasks, communication through a gatekeeper, to limit access to a central platform, to hide details of machine data dumps, to have data not leave a factory for analysis, a generic model enabling to hide usage parameters, and to apply legal measures. When connecting each practice to a priori literature, we find three practices focussing on collaborative data analytics tasks had not yet been covered so far.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards Classification of Technical Sound Events with Deep Learning Models(WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook, 2020) Rieder, Constantin; Germann, Markus; Scherer, Klaus PeterSounds of machines and mechanical systems contain a lot of information about the observed object and its state. Experienced engineers and technical service staff can often identify or classify a certain technical object with state via its sound. An equivalent automated system with such capabilities is difficult to realise because of noisy unknown surroundings. In this paper, we show an approach to implement the mentioned characteristics with deep learning methods and enhance the power of a technical assistance system.
- KonferenzbeitragCognition and experience of employees in digital work environments(WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook, 2020) Leyer, Michael; Strohhecker, JürgenDigital work environments are changing the learning experiences for employees. We provide an explanation on how the mechanisms of cognition and experience are connected and affected. First-order learning is reduced by machines which negative effects for second-order learning of employees. The analysis is a first step towards balancing digital support and experiences.
- KonferenzbeitragTextual Case-based Adaptation using Semantic Relatedness - A Case Study in the Domain of Security Documents(WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook, 2020) Korger, Andreas; Baumeister, JoachimIn previous efforts graph-based and textual knowledge representations were combined for the usage in case-based reasoning. This work proposes first steps for this combination in the domain of secu- rity documents and similar document classes. We present an approach pre-processing documents for textual case-based reasoning by adapting methods of natural language processing. We propose a method improving a case-based hierarchical similarity assessment for retrieval by introducing the concept of vector space embeddings and semantic relatedness of words and phrases.
- KonferenzbeitragVeränderte Kompetenzanforderungen im Rahmen von Digitalisierung und Industrie 4.0(WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook, 2020) Hecklau, Fabian; Orth Ronald; Kidschun, Florian; Tominaj, SokolDie digitale Transformation ist zentraler Treiber für Industrie 4.0. Rasante technische Entwicklungen führen dazu, dass sich Anforderungen an die Kompetenzen der Mitarbeiter verändern. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, die Kompetenzen zu identifizieren, die in der Industrie 4.0 eine zentrale Rolle spielen und zukünftig weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen werden. Hierzu werden die Ergebnisse einer Sekundär- und Primärdatenanalyse vorgestellt. Diese Veröffentlichung zielt ferner darauf ab, einen Beitrag zur Harmonisierung der Grundlagen sowie zur weiteren Entwicklung des Kompetenzmanagements in einer von Digitalisierung geprägten Arbeitswelt zu leisten.
- KonferenzbeitragExperience-based Quality Assessment of Distributed Knowledge Graphs(WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook, 2020) Baumeister, JoachimThis paper introduces an experience-based approach for the evaluation of distributed knowledge graphs. The quality assessment becomes more important in recent days, since distributed knowledge emerges rapidly in different application areas. The paper reports the domain of industrial configuration and production, where distributed knowledge bases have been maintained manually over decades. We describe the configuration ontology COOM and show how standard technologies can be used to query experience-based anomalies. A selection of anomalies is discussed.
- KonferenzbeitragExperience management for task placements in a cloud(WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook, 2020) Kübler, Eric; Minor, MirjamThe execution of workflows in a cloud is more and more popular, and new business concept based on this combination emerge. However, the task to control a cloud in such a way, that the rented cloud resources match the requirements for the currently executed workflows is difficult. Simple solutions struggle with over-, and under-provisioning problems or lack the needed flexibility for the new business concepts. A smart concept for cloud management should use knowledge about the characteristic of the executed task to improve the resource utilization of the cloud. In this paper we present our approach for a CBR based concept for cloud management that reuses experience on proper cloud configurations. We introduce our similarity function for task placements in a cloud and illustrate the approach with some sample workflows form the music mastering domain.
- KonferenzbeitragInformation and knowledge risks in supply chain interactions of SMEs. An exploratory study(WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook, 2020) North, Klaus; Barbosa de Carvalho, Armindo; Maria, Alessio; Durst, Susanne; Alvaro Carvalho, João; Gräslund, Karin; Thalmann, StefanDue to digitalization organizations increasingly interact with other organizations. Data, information, and knowledge are exchanged along the supply chain. This not only creates benefits but also creates manifold risks. The latter is particularly relevant for SMEs being usually the weaker partner in vendor buyer relations. This paper explores knowledge risks associated with supply chain interactions. Risks are identified for three phases of a typical vendor and buyer relations cycle: the preparation phase, the development and learning phase, and the operational phase. The relevance of the relations presented will have to be empirically validated. For this, explorative focus groups involving SMEs from Portugal and Italy were conducted. The overall aims of the ongoing research project are first, to raise awareness among SMEs about these risks, and secondly, to provide training and assistance for these companies on how to avoid or mitigate these risks.
- KonferenzbeitragKnowledge and Information Sciences – Wissensmanagement und Informationswissenschaften(WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook, 2020) Heisig, PeterDieser Workshop lädt Vertreter aller Grundlagen- und Schwesterdisziplinen des Wis- sensmanagement (WM) ein, um Lernpotenziale und Synergien aus der jeweiligen disziplinären Perspektive aufzuzeigen als auch die Herausforderungen in Bezug auf die Digitale Transformation zu formulieren.
- KonferenzbeitragDie Fähigkeit zur Vernetzung und Veränderung – zwei Trendkompetenzen in der Industrie 4.0(WM 2019 - Wissensmanagement in digitalen Arbeitswelten: Aktuelle Ansätze und Perspektiven - Knowledge Management in Digital Workplace Environments: State of the Art and Outlook, 2020) Lischka, Julia; Kohl, InaDurch die immer weiter zunehmende Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft erhöht sich der Wettbewerbsdruck auf die Unternehmen. Diese reagieren teilweise innerhalb ihrer Strukturen mit Dezentralisierung und der Abflachung von Hierarchien, um mehr Flexibilität zu erreichen. Daraus resultieren neue Anforderungen an Mitarbeiter, die im Rahmen dieses Beitrages analysiert werden. Im Fokus stehen zwei zentrale Trendkompetenzen: die Fähigkeit zur Vernetzung und zur Veränderung. Basierend auf einer Konstruktbestimmung der beiden Trendkompetenzen wird ein Vorschlag für die Diagnostik im Rahmen eines Assessment-Centers ausgearbeitet.