Auflistung nach Schlagwort "software"
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- Konferenz-Abstract23. Workshop Software-Reengineering und -Evolution (WSRE) – 12. Workshop „Design for Future“ des GI-Arbeitskreises Langlebige Softwaresysteme (L2S2)(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 41, Heft 1, 2021) Knodel, Jens; Konersmann, Marco; Görg, Torsten; Gutheil, Matthias; Sauer, Stefan; Heinrich, Robert; Konersmann, Marco; Sauer, StefanZiel des Treffens war es, einander kennen zu lernen und auf diesem Wege eine direkte Basis für Kooperationen zu schaffen, so dass das Themengebiet eine Stärkung, Konsolidierung und Weiterentwicklung erfährt. Das diesjährige Workshop-Programm enthielt die folgenden Programmpunkte: (1) Keynote-Vortrag von Elmar Jürgens: "Ist das wichtig oder kann das weg? Überraschende Ergebnisse dynamischer Analysen im Großen"; (2) Fachvortrag von David Morais Ferreira, Vasil L. Tenev und Martin Becker: "Deriving Goals From Well Known Industrial Cases of Product Line Engineering Adoption"; (3) Interaktive Session aller Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer unter Moderation von Marco Konersmann zu Ideen, Vorschlägen, Aktivitäten und dem inhaltlichen Austausch über die Erstellung einer "Wissensbasis im Software Reengineering“ als gemeinsame Aktivität in Koordination durch die Fachgruppe SRE.
- Konferenz-AbstractCall for Papers: 15th International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM 2005)(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 25, Heft 1, 2005) Abran, Alain; Dumke, ReinerThe purpose of the workshop is to review the set of issues such as the identification of deficiencies in the design of currently available measurement methods, the identification of design criteria and techniques and measurement frameworks.
- Konferenz-AbstractCall for Papers: 9th International Software Product Line Conference SPLC(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 25, Heft 1, 2005) Obbink, Henk; Pohl, KlausWith SPLC-Europe 2005 we celebrate the foundation of a new conference series, the International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) which results from the merger of the former events SPLC (Software Product Line Conference started 2000 in the USA) and PFE (Product Family Engineering started 1996 in Europe). SPLC is thus now THE premier forum for practitioners, researchers and educators to present and discuss the most recent ideas, innovations, trends, experiences, and concerns in the area software product lines and software product family engineering. From 2005 on, the SPLC conference will be held yearly in either Europe, America or Asia.
- ZeitschriftenartikelCooperative Approaches Across Test Generation and Formal Software Verification(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 44, Heft 2, 2024) Lemberger, ThomasIn the last decade, powerful techniques were developed that either automatically generate tests for software, or automatically verify software with formal methods. In both areas it is common to combine different techniques to leverage their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses. This happens through costly, proprietary reimplementations within a single tool. This thesis contrasts this and provide concepts that enable an inexpensive and fast off-the-shelf cooperation of standalone tools through standardized exchange formats.
- WorkshopbeitragExperience Design on Websites: Investigation on the Relatedness-need(Mensch und Computer 2017 - Tagungsband, 2017) Heidemeyer, Christian; Thielsch, Meinald T.In the Experience Design approach, the fulfillment of universal psychological needs (e.g., autonomy, relatedness to other humans) is seen to be the key factor for pleasurable experiences with interactive technologies (e.g., Hassenzahl, 2008). The current study directly applied this theory on web user. An interactive product (i.e., a website) is designed in two ways: a low relatedness-fulfilling version and a high fulfilling version. After having been randomly assigned to two groups, 90 German participants were asked to conduct tasks with the website. T-tests revealed no significantly differing affect (i.e., well-being) between the groups. However, a significant difference in the perceived hedonic quality and general attractiveness of the product was found. Taken together, participants ascribe a website better hedonic product quality and generally find it more attractive, if they feel related to other humans while using it.
- KonferenzbeitragThe Hofbox as a decentralised solution for agricultural operations(INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, 2023) Weis, Martin; Bökle, Sebastian; Bauer, ChristianIn digital farming applications cloud-based software offers are predominantly used, which simplifies software and data handling, but lacks transparency of data storage and usage. Internet access becomes essential, which makes time-critical and weather-dependant applications dependent on internet connectivity posing risks for timely execution. To address these issues, a Hofbox concept is being developed that provides openly available software components on local computer hardware. It is based on a modular structure with automatically installable and configurable microservices. The Hofbox thus enables local data storage and processing as well as targeted data exchange via cloud systems that are organised in a decentralised manner. Machinery rings and farmers are targeted decentralised entities. The connected farm boxes are maintained according to an edge computing approach. All components are open source thus ensuring adaptability and expandability, focusing on the use of geodata for small and medium-sized farms.
- WorkshopbeitragDer 'Joy-of-Use'-Button(Mensch & Computer 2009: Grenzenlos frei!?, 2009) Schleicher, Robert; Trösterer, SandraWir stellen ein Werkzeug zur ad-hoc-Bewertung von Joy-of-Use-Erlebnissen bei der Arbeit am PC vor. Das unter Microsoft Windows XP im Hintergrund laufende Programm erfasst zusammen mit einem Screenshot der aktuell bedienten Anwendung eine Kurzbewertung des erlebten positiven Gefühls auf einer fünfstufigen Skala. Im erweiterten Modus ist die Markierung relevanter Bildschirm-Bereiche und eine Freitextbeschreibung des konkreten Erlebnisses möglich. Das Programm inklusive Quellcode ist frei verfügbar.
- KonferenzbeitragOn the Lack of Recognition of Software Artifacts and IT Infrastructure in Educational Technology Research(20. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI), 2022) Kiesler, Natalie; Schiffner, DanielIn the context of educational technology research, it is common practice that computer scientists and IT specialists provide support in terms of software and infrastructure for data gathering and processing, storage, analysis and many other services. Ever since Big Data, Learning Analytics and machine learning algorithms have become increasingly feasible, the implementation of programs can be considered a cornerstone of today’s professional research. Contrary to this trend, software as a method for research is hardly recognized within the community, conferences and publication organs. The same applies to processed research data. Therefore, the authors question the current practices and lack of FAIRness related to the publication of software artifacts by discussing the challenges in terms of acknowledgements, review processes, reproducibility and reuse. The paper concludes with recommendations for future FAIR and Open Science practices.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards Detecting Algorithm Implementations in Code Bases(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 42, Heft 2, 2022) Neumüller, Denis; Tichy, MatthiasDeveloping an understanding of a software system is an integral part of a software-reengineering effort. Even though many approaches for supporting the process of software understanding exist, to the best of our knowledge, none focuses on leveraging information from the algorithms implemented in a system. We believe that detecting well known algorithms in the code base can be helpful to gain knowledge about, which concerns are present in the code base, how they are solved and which components are involved. Our envisioned solution consists of a Domain Specific Language (DSL) designed to describe key features of an algorithm, a search algorithm to find these features and a set of “ready to use” descriptions for common algorithms.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards Sustainable Software(INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten, 2023) Majuntke, Verena; Obermaier, FrederikAs the ecological impact of human activities becomes an increasing concern, the need for sustainable practices extends to the software industry. This paper presents a structured map of techniques and best practices for enhancing software sustainability, defined as software that minimizes environmental impact and maximizes resource efficiency while considering economic and social factors. The map is aimed at organizations and development teams ready to implement sustainable measures, offering a collection of well-known techniques and best practices. The insights were gathered through a literature review and further enriched by open interviews with four experts from software development, providing both theoretical and practical perspectives. By adopting and implementing these sustainable software development practices, organizations can contribute to the global effort to mitigate the environmental impact of technology and promote responsible resource usage.