Auflistung nach Schlagwort "social VR"
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- WorkshopbeitragTowards an Interaction Design Framework for Conversation Roles in VR(Mensch und Computer 2020 - Workshopband, 2020) Bleakley, Anna ElizaAs social VR applications become more commercially available, it is important to consider roles users take on in conversation to develop future guidelines for conversational VR interfaces. This position paper proposes that in order to design effective conversations on social VR platforms, conversational footing needs to be considered alongside rendering gaze, gesture, proxemics, and facial expression to systematically design for dynamic roles, as users engage in conversation. Through the consideration of roles such as speakers, addressees, by-standers, and overhearers, a framework for interaction can be developed for multi-user engagement. This paper highlights the lack of multi-user guidelines in VR and suggests incorporating design insights from experimental work and conversational analysis to systematically organize verbal and nonverbal cues for users through roles in multi-party environments.