Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Method Engineering"
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- ZeitschriftenartikelBausteinbasierte Modellierung von Prozesslandschaften mit der PICTURE-Methode am Beispiel der Universitätsverwaltung Münster(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 49, No. 4, 2007) Becker, Jörg; Algermissen, Lars; Pfeiffer, Daniel; Räckers, MichaelKernpunkteDie Prozesslandschaft als Menge aller in einer Organisation ausgeführten Geschäftsprozesse ist das neue Handlungsfeld der Prozessgestaltung in öffentlichen Verwaltungen. Zur Modellierung und Analyse einer Prozesslandschaft ist ein neuer methodischer Ansatz erforderlich:Die PICTURE-Methode dient zur modellierung der Prozesslandschaft. Sie besteht aus 24 domänenspezifischen Prozessbausteinen mit festem Abstraktionsniveau, die durch Attribute näher spezifiziert und zu einzelnen Prozessen zusammengesetzt werden können.Mit der PICTURE-Methode lässt sich die Prozesslandschaft deutlich effizienter modellieren, als dies klassische Modellierungsmethoden leisten können.Die PICTURE-Methode wurde im Praxiseinsatz in einem Modellierungsprojekt der Universität Münster evaluiert und hat die an sie gestellten Anforderungen erfüllt.AbstractPublic administrations face a strong pressure to reorganise caused by decreasing financial resources, a changing political environment, and increased customer demand.A process oriented visualisation, analysis and improvement of administrational processes is a key prerequisite for the successful organisational and technical change of public administrations within the current reorganisation activities.In order to successfully conduct reorganisation projects a coherent view on all administrational processes (the process landscape) and their interdependencies is of great value as a starting point.Common approaches to collect and visualise processes lead to such complex models that only a small percentage of the overall process landscape can be examined.The PICTURE-method as the core of this paper surpasses weaknesses of classical approaches and allows for a very efficient means of modelling the process landscape by using 24 domain specific reusable process building blocks. Hence by applying the PICTURE-method one can create a high degree of transparency as a base for reorganisation projects.In this paper we conceptually introduce the PICTURE-method and describe its practical application in a large modelling project within the administration of the University of Münster. We describe the experiences made by applying PICTURE and evaluate the method in terms of the requirements made by the project contractor.
- ZeitschriftenartikelKonstruktion von Referenzmodellierungssprachen Ein Ordnungsrahmen zur Spezifikation von Adaptionsmechanismen für Informationsmodelle(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 46, No. 4, 2004) Becker, Jörg; Delfmann, Patrick; Knackstedt, RalfConstruction of Reference Modeling Languages — A Framework for the Specification of Adaptation Mechanisms for Conceptual Information Models Reference modeling languages differ from each other as they use different model types (such as process or data models) and as they provide different mechanisms that allow an adaptation of the reference model to specific contexts. The developer of the reference modeling language has to decide which adaptation technique he wants to use (e. g. configuration, aggregation, instantiation, specialization or analogy construction) and which of these techniques he wants to integrate into the language specification. In this paper, these adaptation techniques are compared, and reference solutions for the specification of extended reference modeling languages are proposed. The introduced solutions are structured by a methodical framework that assigns modeling examples and meta-models as well as meta-meta-models to the different adaptation techniques. Based on this framework, possible combinations of configurative adaptation mechanisms with aggregative, instantiation based, specialization based and analogy construction based mechanisms are discussed.
- ZeitschriftenartikelModellierung für Integrated Enterprise Balancing(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 49, No. 6, 2007) Fill, Hans-Georg; Gericke, Anke; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Winter, RobertKernpunkteIntegrated Enterprise Balancing (IEB) soll es Unternehmen ermöglichen, ihre Geschäftstätigkeit mit unternehmensweit konsistenten Ertrags-und Risikogrößen zu steuern.Zunächst wird der enge Zusammenhang zwischen der Metamodellierung und dem Methoden-Engineering aufgezeigt und damit gleichzeitig die Grundlage für die Entwicklung von Methoden und Modellen zur Umsetzung des IEB-Konzepts geschaffen.Unter Berücksichtigung der Anforderungen des IEB-Konzepts wird eine Prozessmodellierungssprache entwickelt, die die Integration von Ertrags-und Risikomanagement erlaubt.Eine erste Evaluation hat die Umsetzbarkeit der entwickelten Sprache in einem Modellierungswerkzeug gezeigt.AbstractThe development of models and methods is a vital element of design science in information systems research. In this paper a formal process modeling language is developed which incorporates IEB (Integrated Enterprise Balancing)/4R (Risk, Return, Regulation, Reporting) requirements formulated by Faisst and Buhl [FaBu05]. This is realized through the inclusion of 4R elements and 4R relations into the new 4R process modeling language. An evaluation of the process modeling language with regard to the assessment criterion “feasibility of implementation” was successfully executed using the meta modeling platform ADONIS. For that purpose the ADONIS modeling language for business processes (ADONIS BPMS) was extended with additional 4R modeling elements. Furthermore a new model type as well as required classes and relation classes have been developed which enable the connection of the 4R process modeling language to the research results of the above mentioned contribution.
- KonferenzbeitragOMiLAB-Node Vienna at the Research Group Knowledge Engineering, University of Vienna(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Miron, Elena-Teodora; Muck, Christian; Götzinger, David; Karagiannis, DimitrisThis paper presents the OMiLAB-Node Vienna, which supports the educational and research activities undertaken by the research Group Knowledge Engineering at the University of Vienna, the Node’s host. The OMiLAB Vienna Node is part of a larger community, which is presented subsequently. Last but not least the OMiLAB community’s relevance for the EMISA Special Interest Group is discussed.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards an Integrated Approach for Modelling Product-Service Systems: Status Quo and Future Challenges(Workshops der INFORMATIK 2018 - Architekturen, Prozesse, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit, 2018) Hagen, Simon; Schoormann, Thorsten; Jannaber, Sven; Knackstedt, Ralf; Thomas, OliverProduct-Service Systems (PSS) are a well-established approach that holds great promises for sustainable business success. However, continuous changes such as technological innovations constitute novel challenges for the development and the offering of PSS. As these challenges become more and more diverse and complex, single companies, especially SME, are often not able to handle this level of complexity and involve further multidisciplinary expertise in PSS design. While prior research mostly focuses on a tighter integration of the product and service domain, there is a lack of integrated approaches that consider even further disciplines like software, mechanical or electrical engineering. Accordingly, this study aims to explore how conceptual models such as process models can be applied as a basis for combining various domains to contribute to the development of new PSS. Therefore, we specified corresponding problems and challenges that motivate our work and report first results of our research project.