Auflistung nach Autor:in "Schwaiger, Michael"
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- KonferenzbeitragEvaluation and monitoring of fingerprint acquisitions for the European visa information system - experiences from Austria(BIOSIG 2012, 2012) Kneidinger, Peter; Schwaiger, MichaelThe Biometric Evaluation Authority (BEA) concept allows to evaluate and monitor fingerprint acquisitions with regard to the European Visa Information System (VIS). In Austria, a BEA implementation was installed in order to evaluate the quality of the acquired fingerprints, the duration of the fingerprint acquisition process, the number of captures conducted and the results of fingerprint record uniqueness checks. This paper introduces the concept of the BEA and presents results of the Austrian visa application process achieved in the first months of the VIS in operation.
- KonferenzbeitragPerformance of the fuzzy vault for multiple fingerprints(BIOSIG 2010: Biometrics and Electronic Signatures. Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Biometrics and Electronic Signatures, 2010) Merkle, Johannes; Niesing, Matthias; Schwaiger, Michael; Ihmor, Heinrich; Korte, UlrikeThe fuzzy vault is an error tolerant authentication method that ensures the privacy of the stored reference data. Several publications have proposed the application of the fuzzy vault to fingerprints, but the results of subsequent analyses indicate that a single finger does not contain sufficient information for a secure implementation. In this contribution, we present an implementation of a fuzzy vault based on minutiae information in several fingerprints aiming at a security level comparable to current cryptographic applications. We analyze and empirically evaluate the security, efficiency, and robustness of the construction and several optimizations. The results allow an assessment of the capacity of the scheme and an appropriate selection of parameters.
- KonferenzbeitragTamper-proof and privacy-protected fingerprint identification systems(BIOSIG 2009: biometrics and electronic signatures, 2009) Schwaiger, MichaelIn this paper alternatives of tamper-proof and privacy-protected biometric identification systems are shown. One approach to secure such databases is to use cryptography. With its help it is possible to highly protect a system from any external attacker but an internal attacker still has direct access to all stored biometric data. This risk shall be avoided by using biometric encryption with another approach. In the following both approaches will be described and compared.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards improving the NIST fingerprint image quality (NFIQ) algorithm(BIOSIG 2010: Biometrics and Electronic Signatures. Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Biometrics and Electronic Signatures, 2010) Merkle, Johannes; Schwaiger, Michael; Breitenstein, Marco; Bausinger, Oliver; Elwart, Kristina; Nuppeney, MarkusThe NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) algorithm has become a standard method to assess fingerprint image quality. However, in many applications a more accurate and reliable assessment is desirable. In this publication, we report on our efforts to optimize the NFIQ algorithm by a re-training of the underlying neural network based on a large fingerprint image database. Although we only achieved a marginal improvement, our work has revealed several areas for potential optimization.
- KonferenzbeitragVISPILOT - towards european biometric visa border control(BIOSIG 2011 – Proceedings of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, 2011) Schwaiger, Michael; Rahmun, Fares; Bausinger, Oliver; Grell, MathiasTo thoroughly prepare the expected start of the European Visa Information System (VIS) in 2011, Germany has implemented and evaluated the biometric visa border control process in a dedicated pilot project. In addition to implementing all necessary software modules for the access to the VIS, the focus of the project was set on the new feature of fingerprint biometrics. Fingerprint verification is applied to the primary position during border control where the process is optimised for fast completion, high throughput and ease of use. Extended identity checks with a quality-oriented border control process are conducted at the secondary position, where also a time-consuming fingerprint identification can be applied. Several tests were conducted during the pilot project in order to evaluate the VIS border control process. Recommendations regarding the implementation and operation of VIS related systems on the national level have been derived based on the evaluation results.