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- KonferenzbeitragThe backbone of gamification - a theoretical consideration of play and game mechanics(INFORMATIK 2013 – Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt, 2013) Scheiner, Christian W.; Witt, MaximilianChallenges in idea management research and practice no longer revolve around why it is important for people to participate. Instead, the focus has shifted onto how participants can be motivated and, in addition, how their full creative potential can be exploited. This paper develops a theoretical framework that emphasizes the benefits of game mechanics within the context of idea management in scientific literature. In a two-step approach, the aspect of why play is relevant for an organization is addressed first, before specific game mechanics are integrated.
- KonferenzbeitragGamification of online idea competitions: insights from an explorative case(INFORMATIK 2011 – Informatik schafft Communities, 2011) Witt, Maximilian; Scheiner, Christian W.; Robra-Bissantz, SusanneThe implementation of game mechanics (like points or leadersboards) in a serious context is called “gamification”. In this explorative analysis of a single case participants of an online idea competition were asked about their motives for participation, flow, enjoyment, task involvement and their perception of game mechanics with respect to flow, enjoyment and task involvement. The results indicate that game mechanics may be a solution to address the main challenges of online idea competitions. However, the analyzed case illustrates also that if game mechanics are applied inadequately and unsophisticatedly they are not able to unfold their potential.
- KonferenzbeitragOnline ideation games as means to change(Informatik 2014, 2014) Scheiner, Christian W.Companies have to adapt to change if they want to stay competitive. Inducing and managing change processes are, however, highly complex and difficult tasks, especially when individual beliefs, knowledge, and routines are addressed. Despite the importance of this aspect, research on concrete measures is still underrepresented. Within the present study, an online ideation game is examined as a means to change. The aim of this study is therefore to explore whether participation in an online ideation game induce change by fostering learning and unlearning. A longitudinal, quantitative approach is chosen to detect changes over time. An adjusted opinion leadership scale of Childers [Ch86] is applied as a measure of change on an individual level. The findings of this study demonstrate that an online ideation game can induce change processes.
- KonferenzbeitragZur Rolle von Serious Games in Verlernprozessen politischer Bildung(INFORMATIK 2013 – Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt, 2013) Scheiner, Christian W.; Witt, Maximilian; Krämer, Katja; Renken, UtaSoziale und gesellschaftliche Probleme, wie Klimawandel oder Luftverschmutzung, stellen wichtige Themen dar, der sich sowohl die Politik als auch die breite Masse der Bevölkerung annehmen sollte. Web 2.0 Mechanismen können dazu beitragen, die breite Masse zu einer aktiven Auseinandersetzung und zu einem Umdenken in Bezug auf diese Probleme bewegen. Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, ob die Teilnahme an einem Serious Game Verlernen und soziale Handlungsweisen in Bezug auf diese gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Themenfelder fördert. Empirische Basis stellt eine Studie mit Studierenden zweier deutscher Universitäten dar, die in den Jahren 2011 und 2012 an dem Serious Game EVOKE teilnahmen. In diesem Spiel, das im vorliegenden Beitrag Online Ideation Game genannt wird, können Spieler Ideen zur Lösung von realen Problemen generieren. Die Ergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass eine Teilnahme an einem Online Ideation Game Verlernen von veraltetem und überholtem Wissen fördern kann.