Auflistung nach Autor:in "Rubart, Jessica"
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- KonferenzbeitragImmersive Experience of Multidimensional Data using Mixed Reality based Scatterplots(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Tagungsband, 2022) Potthast, Jonas; Grimm, Valentin; Rubart, JessicaScatterplots are widespread mathematical diagrams visualizing data in usually two or three dimensions. In this paper, we present a prototypical app implemented for the Microsoft HoloLens 2 device, which demonstrates an immersive experience for multidimensional data. The data is visualized by a three-dimensional scatterplot using color for an optional fourth dimension. The immersive experience enables the manipulation of the dimensions as well as the interaction with the data elements. First user feedback indicates that in this way, users tend to get a better understanding of the underlying multidimensional data.
- WorkshopbeitragImmersive Exploration of Machine Learning Data Combining Visual Analytics with Explainable AI(Mensch und Computer 2023 - Workshopband, 2023) Potthast, Jonas; Grimm, Valentin; Rubart, JessicaWith the need to explain complex machine learning (ML) models it is necessary to explore human friendly visualizations and interaction techniques of data. In our position paper, we discuss a unique way for interacting with machine learning data to help decision makers in developing a mental model. This can increase trust towards the ML models and make the complexity digestible. In our approach, we combine visual analytics with explainable AI. In particular, we present a Mixed Reality based scatterplot application making use of SHAP values, where feature axes are automatically adjusted when diving deeper into parts of the data.
- WorkshopbeitragPartizipativer Entwicklungsprozess einer Trainingsplattform für Haushaltshilfen(Mensch und Computer 2023 - Workshopband, 2023) Grimm, Valentin; Rubart, Jessica; Faller, Gudrun; Geiger, LauraDie Gruppe der Angestellten in haushaltsnahen Dienstleistungen wurde bisher in Forschung und Praxis wenig beachtet. Daher wird diese spezielle Zielgruppe in unserem Forschungsprojekt in den Fokus gestellt und partizipativ eine Trainingsplattform entwickelt. Diese soll der Zielgruppe relevante Hilfestellungen für ihren Arbeitsalltag an die Hand geben. Im Zuge dessen stellen wir in diesem Papier den Gekonnt handeln partizipativen Prozess zur Entwicklung der Plattform vor. Dieser zeichnet sich durch den Umgang mit einer bisher in Forschung und Praxis wenig fokussierten Zielgruppe im Schnittstellenbereich Arbeit, Gesundheit und Diversity aus. Des Weiteren kennzeichnet sich der Prozess durch einen multimethodischen Ansatz, welcher qualitative und quantitative Methoden der Datenerhebung mit partizipativ entwickelten und evaluierten Edutainment-Angeboten kombiniert.
- KonferenzbeitragRequirements and Design of a Training System for Domestic Workers(20. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI), 2022) Grimm, Valentin; Geiger, Laura; Rubart, Jessica; Faller, GudrunEmployees in household-related services have so far been neglected in research and practice. The overall goal of our project is to identify work-related stress of this special target group, develop recommendations, and disseminate them using low-threshold, attractive edutainment offers. In this context, this contribution presents a learning platform design for the special target group of domestic workers, such as gardeners or cleaners. The design is based on a requirements analysis with respect to this special target group, which we as well outline in this contribution.
- KonferenzbeitragSupporting Shared Understanding within Distributed Enterprise Development Teams(Coordination of Collaborative Engineering - State of the Art and Future Challenges, 2007) Rubart, Jessica; Müller, StephanThis paper presents a practitioners’ report on supporting shared understanding within distributed development teams. Our software domain focuses on Enterprise development in the context of customer relationship management. We are applying meta use cases, software reuse through a component-based architecture, a UML-based modeling language, and groupware tools as means to support shared understanding.
- WorkshopbeitragUnlocking E-learning and XAI Concepts with Free Limited Choice(Mensch und Computer 2023 - Workshopband, 2023) Grimm, Valentin; Rubart, JessicaThis paper focuses on a game design element that aims to increase the motivation of users to focus on a single aspect while having a strong feeling of free choice. We call this concept "Free Limited Choice" (FLC). To approach this idea, we present two scenarios in different domains - e-learning and eXplainable AI (XAI). XAI in particular, is a quite new field for applying gamification concepts. In first preliminary user studies, we collect data for a first assessment of each scenario and specifically FLC. Based on this data, we conclude that FLC can be a useful concept for the desired purpose, but also highlight different aspects to consider when utilizing it.