Auflistung nach Autor:in "Ras, Eric"
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- KonferenzbeitragImproving software quality through refactoring by means of didactical augmented experience(Testing of component-based systems and software quality, 2004) Rech, Jörg; Ras, Eric; Jedlitschka, AndreasIn agile software development refactoring is an important phase for the continuous improvement of software quality. Unfortunately, the application of refactorings is very subjective and heavily based on the expertise of the developers resulting in an unstable quality assurance. In this paper, we present an experiencebased approach for the semi-automatic and goal-oriented refactoring of software systems based on didactical augmented experiences, following the experience factory paradigm. This approach promises the accelerated acquisition, (re-) use, and learning of knowledge in the refactoring process.
- KonferenzbeitragInvestigating the suitability of web X.Y features for software engineering – Towards an empirical survey(Software Engineering 2009 - Workshopband, 2009) Ras, Eric; Rech, Jörg; Weber, SebastianToday, software engineers strongly rely on information while they perform development activities in the different software engineering (SE) phases. The results of a previous survey showed that most information is required during the phases of requirements engineering (RE), design, programming, and project management. Web X.Y features (i.e., concepts and technologies) facilitate collaboration and communication with distributed individuals and help to cope with the immense amount of information by simplifying the organization, integration, and reuse of information scattered across diverse content sources. After presenting the features of the different Web X.Y generations (i.e., Web 2.0, Web 2.5, and Web 3.0), we propose a weighted mapping for the relevancy of these Web X.Y features regarding their support for the four SE phases with the highest need for information. Based on this subjective mapping, a set of research questions and hypotheses is derived that form the basis of an empirical survey. The goal of this survey is to investigate the potential of Web X.Y features for SE.
- KonferenzbeitragKnowledge services for experience factories(WM2009: 5th conference on professional knowledge management, 2009) Ras, Eric; Rech, Jörg; Weber, SebastianThe Experience Factory (EF) is an infrastructure designed to support experience management (e.g., the reuse of experience) in software organizations. It supports the collection, processing, management, analysis, and dissemination of experiences made on the job. One key issue of experience management is the aggregation of these documented experiences into more valuable patterns and laws. In this article, we describe how the different activities in an experience factory can be supported by knowledge services. Knowledge services are especially valuable for maturing activities, such as formalization and generalization. We describe how to leverage Web 2.0 concepts as features of an experience management system in order to implement the knowledge services.
- KonferenzbeitragSupporting software development teams with a semantic process- and artifact-oriented collaboration environment(Software Engineering 2009 - Workshopband, 2009) Weber, Sebastian; Emrich, Andreas; Broschart, Jörg; Ras, Eric; Ünalan, ÖzgürThe focus of this paper is on how to support small software teams in tailoring and following organization-specific process models by using a lightweight and flexible approach to reduce the visible complexity of software projects. We introduce the SPACE (Semantic Processand Artifact-oriented Collaboration Environment) concept, which describes working processes and an associated approach. These models are integrated semantically, thereby enabling various kinds of analytic techniques, and thus making it easier to cope with the complexity of processes. Pre-defined templates can be configured to actual working processes and artifacts exchanged in such processes. In this paper, we adapt SPACE to the software engineering domain by using the domain-specific Software Organization Platform (SOP). In this context, the templates contain process and artifact descriptions of software process models, such as V-Model, RUP, or agile development.
- KonferenzbeitragUnderstanding the Characteristics of Metaphors in Tangible User Interfaces(Workshop-Proceedings der Tagung Mensch & Computer 2011. überMEDIEN|ÜBERmorgen, 2011) Maquil, Valérie; Ras, Eric; Zephir, OlivierThe idea of metaphors has been a central and popular element in the design practice of graphical user interfaces. While the principle is commonly applied and discussed in the field of Graphical User Interfaces, its usage in the field of Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) is not yet fully understood. This paper analyses the principle of metaphors in TUIs, based on the main definitions of interface metaphors being discussed in literature. Our aim is to identify the characteristics describing a metaphor in TUIs and to propose a concept that can be used in TUI design activities. Using the example of the so-called “ColorTable”, we discuss how the principle of metaphor based on source and target can be applied to the particular context of TUIs. From our insights, we propose a concept of TUI metaphors which links the physical, the digital, and the application domain of TUIs.
- KonferenzbeitragWiederverwendungsorientiertes Content Authoring nach dem Single-Source Prinzip(DeLFI 2006, 4. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 11. - 14. September 2006, in Darmstadt, Germany, 2006) Thomas, Ludger; Ras, EricAuf Basis einer Beschreibung des aktuellen Stands der Content Entwicklung wird aufgezeigt, dass die Wiederverwendung von Informationen und Lerninhalten zwar ein allgemein akzeptiertes Problem der Praxis darstellt jedoch die am häufigsten verwendeten Werkzeuge nicht dafür ausgelegt sind, dies auch zu unterstützen. Darauf aufbauend werden Prinzipien einer Wiederverwendungsstrategie im Kontext des Single-Source-Ansatzes entwickelt. Es wird ein Vorhaben vorgestellt, das mit Standard XML-Technologien und Freier Software einen wiederverwendungsorientierten Single-Source Multiple-Purpose-Publishing- Ansatz für die Lerninhalterstellung umsetzt.