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- KonferenzbeitragArchitecture principles – A regulative perspective on enterprise architecture(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures – concepts and applications, 2007) Bommel, Patrick van; Buitenhuis, Pieter; Hoppenbrouwers, Stijn; Proper, ErikIncreasingly, organizations make use of enterprise architectures to direct the development of the enterprise as a whole and its IT portfolio in particular. In this paper we investigate the regulative nature of enterprise architecture. We aim to develop a fundamental understanding of the regulative needs that underly an enterprise architecture, and then take these needs as a starting point to arrive at requirements on the language (architecture principles) used to denote enterprise architectures. We furthermore discuss the process of formulating principles as well as their semantics.
- ZeitschriftenartikelFrom Expert Discipline to Common Practice: A Vision and Research Agenda for Extending the Reach of Enterprise Modeling(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 60, No. 1, 2018) Sandkuhl, Kurt; Fill, Hans-Georg; Hoppenbrouwers, Stijn; Krogstie, John; Matthes, Florian; Opdahl, Andreas; Schwabe, Gerhard; Uludag, Ömer; Winter, RobertThe benefits of enterprise modeling (EM) and its contribution to organizational tasks are largely undisputed in business and information systems engineering. EM as a discipline has been around for several decades but is typically performed by a limited number of people in organizations with an affinity to modeling. What is captured in models is only a fragment of what ought to be captured. Thus, this research note argues that EM is far from its maximum potential. Many people develop some kind of model in their local practice without thinking about it consciously. Exploiting the potential of this “grass roots modeling� could lead to groundbreaking innovations. The aim is to investigate integration of the established practices of modeling with local practices of creating and using model-like artifacts of relevance for the overall organization. The paper develops a vision for extending the reach of EM, identifies research areas contributing to the vision and proposes elements of a future research agenda.
- KonferenzbeitragIntegrating system dynamics with object-role modeling and Petri nets(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures, 2009) Tulinayo, Fiona; Hoppenbrouwers, Stijn; Bommel, Patrick van; Proper, ErikThe art of System Dynamics (SD) modeling lies in discovering and representing the feedback processes and other elements that determine the dynamics of a system. However, SD shows a lack of means for discovering and expressing precise, language-based concepts in domains. Therefore, we choose to use Object-Role Modeling (ORM) to add high quality formal conceptualization to SD modeling and Petri Nets (PNs) to bridge the gap between static ORM and Dynamic, flow-like aspects of SD. To achieve the integration of these methods, we take a step by step approach where we first identify the conceptual link between SD and ORM, then the key concepts used in these methods, which we later use to derive mappings, transition statements and elements. This helps us to better understand the underlying concepts, the connections between the model structure, and behavior in a sequential manner.