Auflistung nach Autor:in "Frank, Markus"
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- KonferenzbeitragAn Architectural Template for Parallel Loops and Sections(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 39, Heft 3, 2019) Frank, Markus; Hakamian, AlirezaThe Palladio Component Model uses UML-like diagrams to specify architectural software designs, which are used for early design-time analyses of software performance metrics. As a current drawback of the PCM, it does not support the specification of massive parallel software behaviour like OpenMP parallel loops. For Software Performance Engineers this results in complex modelling workarounds, or it is not possible to model the software’s behaviour at all, which results in inaccurate analyses and semantic discrepancies. In this paper, we present a light-weight PCM metamodel extension, allowing SPEs to easily annotate parallel sections (similar to OpenMP) in their software specifications. This significantly reduces the modelling effort through automation.
- KonferenzbeitragDigitale Wertschöpfungsketten für eine nachhaltige kleinstrukturierte Landwirtschaft – DiWenkLa(40. GIL-Jahrestagung, Digitalisierung für Mensch, Umwelt und Tier, 2020) Griepentrog, Hans W.; Frank, Markus; Bahrs, EnnoBaden‐Württemberg (BW) ist ein Bundesland mit typisch kleinstrukturierter Landwirtschaft mit hohen Nebenerwerbs- und Sonderkulturanteilen. Auch für diese Betriebsstrukturen kann die Verfügbarkeit einfacher digitaler Entscheidungshilfen ein bedeutender Effizienzgewinn sein. Die Regionen Baden-Württembergs erscheinen als für ähnliche Regionen sehr geeignetes repräsentatives Experimentierfeld für neue, nachhaltig orientierte und digitalisierte Technologien entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungsketten landwirtschaftlicher Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Dabei stehen die Produkte und dazugehörigen Dienstleistungen im Bereich von Kohl, Salat, Getreide, Soja, Rinder- sowie Pferdehaltung im Fokus. Sie sind typisch für die ausgewählten Experimentierregionen südlicher Schwarzwald sowie für die Metropolregion Stuttgart.
- ZeitschriftenartikelIs the PCM Ready for ACTORs and Multicore CPUs? — A Use Case-based Evaluation(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 37, Heft 3, 2017) Frank, Markus; Staude, Stefan; Hilbrich, MarcusMulticore CPUs have been common for years. However, developing parallel software is still an issue. To ease the development, software developers can use a range of frameworks and approaches, e.g., OpenMP, MPI or ACTOR. These approaches have an enormous impact on the performance of the software. Thus, Software Performance Engineering (SPE) needs to consider the impact of the parallelization approaches to deliver reliable results. In this paper, we evaluate the capability of the Palladio Component Model1 (PCM) based on the use case of a bank transaction example with a realization following the ACTOR approach. We observed that the accuracy of the performance predictions is unsatisfying, the modeling is challenging, and the characteristics of the ACTOR approach cannot be modeled. In future we need to consider additional attributes or properties to enrich the PCM as well to include concepts like active resources, message passing, and automatization concepts.
- KonferenzbeitragModelling and Predicting Memory Behaviour in Parallel Systems with Network Links? Palladio-based Experiment Report(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 39, Heft 4, 2019) Gruber, Philipp; Frank, MarkusThis work improves the capabilities of Palladio to predict the performance of parallel software in multicore environments. In previous work, we could show that the accuracy of the Palladio simulations is not sufficient for multicore systems. We assume that one reason for this is the memory bandwidth behaviour, which is not included in the Palladio Component Model and can become a bottleneck in parallel software. We present an approach to model the memory bandwidth behaviour by the means of an already existing network link concept. We can show that by using network link as a memory model we can improve our predictions up to 26% points using 16 cores on a machine and can receive an accuracy of 90% for our use case.
- ZeitschriftenartikelPerformance Prediction for Multicore Environments — An Experiment Report(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 36, Heft 4, 2016) Frank, Markus; Hilbrich, MarcusMulticore systems are a permanent part of our daily life. Regardless whether we consider nowadays desktop PC’s, notebooks, or smart phones: all devices are running on multicore CPUs. To use such hardware in an efficient way, we need parallel enabled software. But the development of such software is more complex and more error-prone than developing sequential software. To handle the rising complexity, it is necessary to develop software in an engineering way. In such a process, software architects have to plan and analyze software designs on model level. Software architects can use approaches like Palladio to simulate and analyze early phase software designs. However, it is uncertain how Palladio can handle multicore systems. In this paper we evaluate the current state of Palladio regarding multicore awareness based on an experiment. We implemented an easy to parallelize use case, modeled, and simulated it using Palladio. We predicted the performance of an 16 core system with an accuracy of 79 %, but noticed a decreasing accuracy for a rising number of cores. Based on the experiment, we discuss the need to model attributes like memory, memory bandwidth, and caches, which are currently included.
- ZeitschriftenartikelSecurity Modeling with Palladio—Different Approaches(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 36, Heft 4, 2016) Hilbrich, Marcus; Frank, Markus; Lehrig, SebastianSecurity is never perfect, security deals with a lot of uncertainty, and security is complex. Nevertheless, security is one of the non-functional properties, that we, as software architects, have to consider. It is needed to include security in many trade-off decisions (usability, performance, costs, etc. versus security), to compare the security of different architectures, and to check whether legal constraints are meet. Thus it is demanded to include security modeling to approaches like Palladio. In this paper, we describe two approaches to model and analyze security using Palladio. The first approach is an external one and requires to adapt Palladio. The second approach is proposed by us and does not need to modify Palladio. Furthermore, we explain why we needed to develop a new approach based on a use case and its demanded pragmatism for the model.