P027 - Mobiles Computing in der Medizin, 2. Workshop der Projektgruppe Mobiles Computing in der Medizin (MoCoMed), GMDS-Fachbereich Medizinische Informatik, GI-Fachausschuss 4.7
Auflistung P027 - Mobiles Computing in der Medizin, 2. Workshop der Projektgruppe Mobiles Computing in der Medizin (MoCoMed), GMDS-Fachbereich Medizinische Informatik, GI-Fachausschuss 4.7 nach Autor:in "Bachmor, T."
(Mobiles Computing in der Medizin, 2. Workshop der Projektgruppe Mobiles Computing in der Medizin (MoCoMed), GMDS-Fachbereich Medizinische Informatik, GI-Fachausschuss 4.7, 2003) Bachmor, T.; Velykokhatko, S.; Stork, W.; Müller-Glaser, K.-D.
Equipping medical devices with long range telemetry opens completely new possibilities for emergency response, home care and remote diagnosis. Mobile communications nowadays seem to be a generaly accepted part of our modern world, but bridging the gap between new (consumer-) technologies and medical devices still is a challenge today. Providing a telemetry link (GSM) is just the trivial part - ensuring security, reliability and service management are the more critical tasks that need to be addressed. Therefore, a complete system concept consists of an automatic fleet management (e.g. periodic device-initiated service calls) as well as customer relationship management (CRM), including technical service all based on a trouble-ticket system.